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Police Fears Over Planking - Death

Following a tragic death at Kangaroo Point in Brisbane this morning police are urging ‘plankers’ to re-think their actions.

“This morning we have seen a young man take this activity a step further and attempt to plank on a balcony. Unfortunately he has tragically fallen to his death,” Deputy Commissioner Ross Barnett said.

“Police fear that as planking gains popularity there may be more injuries and potentially further deaths.”

Planking is a new recreational activity gaining popularity. Plankers lie flat on their stomach in different environments. They take photos of their efforts which are then shared amongst fellow plankers via social media.

Police are warning members of the public that planking may seem like a bit of light-hearted fun can quickly turn to tragedy if an accident occurs.

People are trying to out-do each other by planking on structures or in precarious positions putting themselves and others at risk. The potential for disaster increases as more and more risks are taken to get the ultimate photo.

“Earlier this week a man was charged after he trespassed on police property in order to plank across the back of a police car. If other people break the law during this activity they will be charged as well,” Deputy Commissioner Barnett said.

“Accepting a risk of injury for yourself is one thing, but the potential is there for others to be injured as a result of your behaviour.”

Plankers can be charged with a criminal offence if they attempt the activity in areas that constitute trespass or in dangerous locations.

Deputy Commissioner Barnett said police will not tolerate people putting lives at risk, whether their own or other innocent bystanders.

“But no penalty will ever return this young man to his family and friends. This is a tragedy and our condolences go to the family.” 

Police video below addresses 'planking'.