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Planking on sport equipment. |
Today, a 20 year old Gladstone man was charged by Police in relation to 'Planking'.
-Scroll down to see Police press release.
According to a Facebook page set up for the 'Planking' sport:
Planking is a simple yet effective procedure.
'You got a body, you got a Plank' Ashley Wilson 11
When performing a Plank:
1/ You must always lay face down, ensuring your face remains expressionless for the duration of the Plank.
2/ Your legs must remain straight, and together with toes pointed.
3/ Your arms must be placed by your side, held straight and fingers pointed.
4/ You must make it known that you are Planking. Saying 'I am Planking' usually get this across. Sternly announcing it will ensure a good result.
5/ Your safety should always be considered. Properly thought through Planking procedures should always go to plan. Never put your self at undue risk, unless you are a seasoned Planker.
6/ First Aid should never be far away. Ice, Bandaids, Cast Plaster, needle and thread, emotional support and a quick escape route need to be on hand.
7/ Every Plank that is captured must be named.
Police Press Release 11 May 2011
Police in Gladstone are disappointed with the behaviour of some residents after some concerning incidents involving a recreational activity known as ‘planking’.
Planking is an activity where participants lie flat on their stomach in different environments. They take photos of their efforts, which are then shared amongst fellow plankers.
A 20-year-old Gladstone man was issued with a Notice to Appear last night for Found on Police Establishment Without Lawful Excuse when he was allegedly found ‘planking’ on a police vehicle.
Sergeant Matthew Russell from Gladstone Police says that the activity, while lighthearted, is creating dangerous situations.
“The activity is potentially dangerous, as proponents of the movement try to out-do each other by planking on structures and in precarious positions, putting themselves and others at risk of harm,” Sergeant Russell said.
“Also, entering a property or premises, for any reason, without permission is trespassing, and anyone caught doing this will be charged.”
Offenders caught in these dangerous situations can also be charged with Unauthorised High Risk Activity.
"While we appreciate the activity is light-hearted fun, putting yourself and others at risk and breaking the law will not be tolerated."
Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a charitable community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.