Go on.., click the 'win' button, take up a McCarthy-Wood challenge and let mwDIRECT.me take you to your destination!


By being a McCarthy-Wood Media Sponsor or Advertiser you get a super unique marketing experience with inimitable results. 

Try a reach of at least 15,000 targeted people guaranteed for every $45 you spend! And this can more than double in instances of virality. 

News papers and letterbox drops are only boasting reaches of around 1000 untargeted per $40 spend. 

McCarthy-Wood Media has the edge on the competition because it is a vibrant and creative content creator connected with so many social networks. 

This means that your sponsorship goes along more as an endorsement as opposed to being a blatant add. 

You can even choose to have your sponsorship fine-tuned to a target audience including by gender, age, demographic and location. 

To find out more, email sponsorship@mccarthy-wood.com or fill in the form below.