Jackie Cochran of Woodford has been caught out relentlessly lying, slandering and manipulating people. This is in a bizarre ever increasing attempt to obtain local dominance, and appear to be the moral compass of Woodford.
Update (Caboolture News):
TV AND radio personality Jamie Dunn says the penalty handed to the woman who stalked him is "a bit on the light side", but he is happy to move on.Last week, Neurum's Jacqueline Janine Draper, also known as Jackie Cochran, was fined $1000 in the Caboolture Magistrates Court after pleading guilty to unlawfully stalking Mr Dunn.

Magistrate Jennifer Batts also issued Draper with a two-year restraining order to keep away from Dunn and his family, and refrain from contacting them.
Click Here to Read More - Caboolture News
Update (Courier Mail):
This comes after MP Andrew Powell had been warned about Jackie Cochran/Draper repeatedly.
A WOMAN who has been fined and put on a good behaviour bond for stalking and harassing radio personality Jamie Dunn won an award this year for being an inspiring woman.
Jacqueline Janine Draper, 46, pleaded guilty in Caboolture Magistrates Court this month to stalking Dunn and also using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence.

Magistrate Jennifer Batts also put Draper on a two-year restraining order, barring her from going near or contacting Dunn and his family.
“To tell the truth I thought the penalty would be a lot harsher,” Dunn said.
“This morning I went as far back as I could go in my emails and I was gobsmacked with what I put up with.”
In September the 98.9 FM radio DJ told The Sunday Mail how he had become the victim of two years of online abuse.
It culminated in his daughter Stella, 22, being reduced to tears by an email sent to her, prompting him to report it to police.
Draper previously was charged with one stalking offence and 16 counts of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence, before pleading guilty to two charges.
Two months after being charged Draper, of Neurum near Woodford, was named 2014 Glass House Inspiring Woman by Member for Glass House Andrew Powell.
Draper, also known as Jackie Cochran, was given her award for her work in the local community, having established a Woodford newspaper and sponsored local school awards.
The award was presented to celebrate International Women’s Day, with the theme being Women of Generosity.
Original Jackie Cochran/Draper publication:
Ms Cochran is a reporter for the Kilcoy Sentinel/Community News based in Kilcoy and circulating throughout the region including Woodford.
Again, I find myself in a position of having to publicly defend my personal reputation from the disturbing rumours and innuendo generated by Ms Cochran (See evidence below: Published open letter to Jackie Cochran).
Ms Cochran’s actions have increasingly become more disturbing, affecting many more good hard working community members.
While I have no intention of personally attacking Ms Cochran, it has become crucial to put the information contained here on the public record.
As events have continued to unfold, people, including general community members, community volunteers and even members from Ms Cochran's family have passed information onto me (so much information I haven't been able to finish processing it all for this publication). Some have requested to stay anonymous for fear of retribution by Ms Cochran.
Recently Moreton Bay Regional Councillor Adrian Raedel posted some information on his Facebook page (click here to see the subject posted). Someone questioned the post, leading Ms Cochran to think she had found an ally in her vendetta against the Councillor.
The vendetta has come about as a result of Ms Cochran’s failed attempts to dictate who Cr Raedel deals with in the media, again, boiling down to anti-competitive behaviour.
With this mindset, Ms Cochran went about contacting the person in question in writing over the internet (See evidence below: Message sent to a source close to Adrian Raedel). Ms Cochran began by savagely attacking Cr Raedel and revealed she was actively seeking someone to unseat him.
“If you ever consider running for Council [Unnamed Source], you've got mine and my entire family's vote and there's a lot of us,” Ms Cochran wrote.
When it was pointed out to her that they (unnamed source) actually thought Cr Raedel was dedicated and good for the community, Ms Cochran did a back flip even a world champion gymnast couldn’t pull off.
“Absolutely agree [Unnamed Source], he does care for his community,” Ms Cochran replied.
In another Cochranesque tirade, Ms Cochran took rash action after her friend request to the Woodford Lions Club's new Facebook page was inadvertently declined (See evidence below: Confirmed by a source - a letter written by Jackie Cochran).
She sent a letter to a Lions Club member in February after the friend request knock back criticising those who had been invited to join the page, including myself, my partner and a person connected to my Facebook page.
The letter warns that the creator of the Lions’ Facebook page must be “very careful as to who they can accept as the Lions’ friends” in case of creating “ill feelings amongst very influential community members.”
By influential community members, of course, the letter writer (Ms Cochran) is talking about herself.
No further comment is necessary on that point.
The letter continues: “I take great offence to being one of the people the page has refused to add on their friend list.”
Included with the letter was a story I published in the Community News and Vews (See evidence below: Nightmare Sleepover (as published by- Community News and Views)). Ms Cochran has attempted to distastefully take this story out of context on a previous occasion (See evidence below: Published open letter to Jackie Cochran).
This story was also published in the Sunshine Coast Daily with much more detail (See evidence below: House Of Horrors (as published by the Sunshine Coast Daily)). I wholeheartedly stand by my decision to publish the story for two reasons: Firstly, to warn the Woodford community that such a thing can happen and encourage vigilance, and secondly, the source of information came from the Police, who also wanted to get this information out.
It appears that after being jilted as a friend, Ms Cochran has decided to attack me for no other reason than that I had received a friend request and was working in the news arena. This case of sour grapes might seem trivial and best ignored.
But the undertone of the letter is threatening when considering it involves a community group trading on its reputation and good will.
It also strongly insinuates my friendship is undesirable for an unspecified reason. Again, it boils down to anti-competitive behaviour.
Last month, Ms Cochran sent a Facebook message to my partner (See evidence below: Message sent over Facebook to Kelmeny Fraser), in which she conveniently suffers a case of amnesia.
In this message, Ms Cochran states she has ``never heard’’ of my partner, even claiming a case of mistaken identity.
Yet a communication trail shows Ms Cochran venting to others just 14 days earlier over my partner beating her to stories in her own patch (See evidence below: Message sent to source close to Adrian Raedel).
This correspondence is included only to establish a pattern of behaviour.
This pattern of behaviour became serious for the first time with an attack by Ms Cochran after I covered the Woodford Anzac Day commemorations a year ago.
At the time I had a news publication, Community News and Views, which also had an online presence.
I was taking photographs of the parade, like countless others, including Ms Cochran, for this purpose.
I was shocked to receive a request from Ms Cochran after the parade asking me to delete any images of her children, who were apparently marching in the parade.
From the dozens of photographs of the parade, I was asked not to publish any photographs that might have included Ms Cochran’s children.
Ms Cochran also sent a letter ranting about my coverage of the parade to the Woodford RSL.
Her extraordinary request was impossible to comply with, given I did not know what Ms Cochran’s children looked like.
No credible reason for this request was provided. However, I complied with Ms Cochran's request in an attempt to keep the peace after she pointed out the identities about six days later.
To put it into context, such a request would be the same as Ms Cochran asking a Channel 7 cameraman to suppress footage of an Anzac Day parade from the nightly news should her children have been marching in the parade filmed.
Whether broadcasting television footage, printing photographs in a newspaper or publishing online, all are regarded as the public domain, with neither medium considered more or less invasive by law.
However, Ms Cochran has repeatedly attempted to sully my reputation by implying my covering events involving children for media purposes was less appropriate than her doing the very same thing.
As a male, this left me feeling anxious and over-cautious in covering the same events as Ms Cochran after she made a series of suggestive comments to various community organisations about my character.
This conduct takes away from community events aimed at helping other, seeking to make it all about Ms Cochran.
Though baseless, the comments were aimed at causing harm to my reputation in a blatant attempt by Ms Cochran to lock me out of community events, including a visit by the Leukaemia Foundation to the Woodford State School (See evidence below: Email sent to Jane McMillan - President of the Leukaemia Foundation (Caboolture branch) from Jackie Cochran).
The same tactic was used by Ms Cochran in a letter to Woodford resident Mike Wallis (See evidence below: Emails between Michael Wallis and Jackie Cochran), who at the time was president of the Woodford State School Parents and Citizens Assembly.
Mr Wallis and community volunteer Michelle Knight attracted the wrath of Ms Cochran after inviting me to photograph the event.
A letter to Mr Wallis from Ms Cochran states: “..we may know that you’re doing a good job and are totally acceptable of the fact that you have no children nor attended Woodford School, but what if this source lands in the possession of the wrong people...”
“I have said it a thousand times, you have a great heart, but when you represent the school (a school my kids attend now and I attended) please remember you have to ask permission before you change things – we don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes???”
Another extraordinary piece of information came from one of Ms Cochran's family. They are at a loss to explain an account-user that regularly interacts with Ms Cochran on Facebook. The account goes by the name, Marcus Ross, and is most flattering of Ms Cochran while at the same time attacking others in the community through subtle statements on her profile page.
Ms Cochran's family member said they suspect that Marcus Ross is in fact Ms Cochran, logged onto Facebook as another user.
I must also point out that I haven't seen these exchanges through my own online account. This is because I blocked Ms Cochran some time ago in an attempt to avoid any further unwanted interaction.
The best outcome I can wish for is that Ms Cochran puts a stop to this pattern of behaviour now this information is on the public record and other people are protected from being victimised by being forewarned.
Message sent to a source close to Adrian Raedel
Jackie Cochran 12 March at 22:18 Report
Hi [Unnamed Source]
Between you and I...You and Adam are so spot on about the comments on Adrian status about that QFF story he gave immediately to Kelmeny (the meeting was held out at the folk festival site today, the only place Allan Sutherland visits when he comes to Woodford) It is very difficult for me doing the job I do, being a local and knowing some of the things I do - Bill was a good friend of my late Uncle Clyde Itzstein...Adrian really doesn't know as much as he thinks, Bill and Allan have had several private meetings. You're absolutely right in the fact that Splendour and the Folk festival have their own shops etc...they even truck in major supplies from interstate rather than hire or purchase locally!
If you ever consider running for Council [Unnamed Source], you've got mine and my entire family's vote (and there's a lot of us!) I'm afraid a certain councillor has lost a lot of votes from Woodford people already...I reckon you'd do a great job! Some locals have even thought about persuading Elvis Parsley (Woodford's former fruit and veges shop proprietor) to run for council...that's how desperate some people are feeling at the moment :) .
[Unnamed Source]: 12 March at 22:28 Thanks Jackie. Adrian is like a dog salivating on a bone tossed by AS. But, Adrian is way better than most councillors. Yes there is a plan to depose AS. And to depose several other councillors from the old CSC region. But Adrian is not one of those that the loose group of concerned ratepayers intend getting rid of. He actually does care for his region. And yes, I'm sure Adrian is not privy to the AS & Bill hauritz meetings. .
Jackie Cochran: 12 March at 22:44 Report
Absolutely agree [Unnamed Source], he does care for his community. It is so frustrating as I do know Adrian has all the potential to be one of the best councillors Woodford and this division has ever had, and he will always have my support in that respect, but I feel that sometimes he lacks the confidence to make a stand away from some of these other people who are intent on using him and stabbing him in the back...he's far better than that...he just needs to trust those who support him. Adrian needs to know that people like Bill are powerless without the community support...he just needs to keep on track and work on keeping his well earned rapport with the community going. A proud trait which has been passed to me from my wonderful father [Unnamed Source], is my ability to see honesty and genuinity in the people I meet, I've never tolerated laziness, bad sportmanship and selfishness in community members, especially in our government representatives - I have found Wyatt, Mark Ryan two of the most genuine politicians so far I have had the privilege of meeting...Liberal or Labor, they are both great assets to this area. .
Absolutely agree [Unnamed Source], he does care for his community. It is so frustrating as I do know Adrian has all the potential to be one of the best councillors Woodford and this division has ever had, and he will always have my support in that respect, but I feel that sometimes he lacks the confidence to make a stand away from some of these other people who are intent on using him and stabbing him in the back...he's far better than that...he just needs to trust those who support him. Adrian needs to know that people like Bill are powerless without the community support...he just needs to keep on track and work on keeping his well earned rapport with the community going. A proud trait which has been passed to me from my wonderful father [Unnamed Source], is my ability to see honesty and genuinity in the people I meet, I've never tolerated laziness, bad sportmanship and selfishness in community members, especially in our government representatives - I have found Wyatt, Mark Ryan two of the most genuine politicians so far I have had the privilege of meeting...Liberal or Labor, they are both great assets to this area. .
[Unnamed Source]: 12 March at 23:07 Yes, yes & yes Jackie. A sometimes lack of confidence is probably Adrian's biggest failing. But that's not too bad. Compared with the transparent dishonestly of others. .
Jackie Cochran: 12 March at 23:30 Report
Very transparent and dishonest...pure madness if some of these hopeless wonders are re-elected
Very transparent and dishonest...pure madness if some of these hopeless wonders are re-elected
Message sent over Facebook to Kelmeny Fraser
(Click here to go back to top of page)
Jackie Cochran March 26 at 11:19pm
Hello, apologies for mistaken identity in my hometown tonight, I
had momentarily thought you were somebody else...although I do
now remember you sending me a friend request once. Interesting
to hear you've "heard" about me..mmm, very interesting...because
I can't really say I've heard about you...
Confirmed by a source - a letter written by Jackie Cochran
(Click here to go back to top of page)
14 February 2011
Dear Woodford Lions, great to see you on Facebook (it’s assumed Brett Nipperess and Chiomi Christie have created the page) Just a little advice if a local community service group is going to join a social networking group, the creator must be unbiased and very careful as to who they accept as the Lions friends and not just the friends of Chiomi and Brett – you can easily create ill feelings amongst very influential community members. Your choice of adding community Dag Highway troublemaker Andrew McCarthy Wood, his meddling girlfriend Kelmeny Fraser and all those teenagers over others is appalling for a group that works hard for their community (see attached newsletter written by Andrew Wood for Aspark, if he and his girlfriend are the kind of people you want to be involved with, then I can assure you that it is very high possibility the Woodford Lions will lose the respect of many people)
As the Facebook page is representing the Lions views, Logo and choice of who the group wishes to associate, being an avid supporter of the Woodford Lions, I take great offence to being one of the people the page has refused to add on their friend list. I thought all Lion Members had a say in Woodford issues, not just a couple of kids starting up a Facebook page, there’s going to be a lot of misdirected information shared with the public.
Email sent to Jane McMillan - President of the Leukaemia Foundation (Caboolture branch) from Jackie Cochran
(Click here to go back to top of page)
(Click here to go back to top of page)
Text version of the email directly above (for ease of reading)
(Click here to go back to top of page)
Sorry I couldn't make it to Caboolture last Thursday. I've arranged the school parade visit from you, Lukey Bear and Sinead with Principal for Tuesday morning 5th October, 8.50am. Will it be okay to keep this visit under your hat from Andrew Wood. I realise he's doing a great job in helping you but he is not a very welcome person at Woodford School due to him breaching privacy rules etc by placing Woodford Student Images on various websites (a long story) However Cath Fouracre's Caboolture Paper is welcome to attend. For privacy reasons, any online media will not be allowed to attend, but there'll be plenty of other local media coverage. (verbatim)
Published open letter to Jackie Cochran
(Click here to go back to top of page)
(Click here to go back to top of page)
I am writing this open letter to you to defend myself from the personal attacks, rumour mongering and innuendos you have been generating in the community.
Firstly, I want to make it clear that I do not wish to personally attack you in this letter, or any other forum, however on this occasion I must explore your disposition in an attempt to get to the bottom of this concerning evolving situation.
We are competitors in the media arena, to which I respect you for. I have not, and never will compete with you in any way other than on a professional level. Those who know me well, understand that I don’t get pleasure out of campaigning negatively or personally, rather I thrive on creativity, hard work and using resources proficiently.
I refer to Appendix A and wish to put my case forward in relation to this email piece by piece. But before that, in the interest of identifying a pattern I refer to Appendix C. This is a conversation between you and I (which has since been deleted or censored – not generally an accepted action by reporters) that happened as a result of a person living in Woodford calling me, and asking if your Facebook status at the time had anything to do with something I may have published.
I logged on and saw your status referred to an article about the Woodford School. We hadn’t published anything on the School at that point. I also saw that it appeared you were attacking another reporter, to which I asked simply out of professional curiosity “Which article?” This then lead to responses back and forward that seemed to avoid answering the question and turn that question into something it wasn’t.
In the email labelled Appendix A with this letter, you say your ex husband Neale, requested I don’t use images of you or your children at the ANZAC ceremony. I replied in an email labelled Appendix B that- “I have blurred images that I know to be affected by your request. I can't be sure I got them all. We know our legal position is that the images where taken in a public place and public event with no court orders to restrain such images. Your request has been actioned as a favour only.”
Later in your email you accused me of immediately publishing pictures in contravention to my promise. If you read my correspondence carefully, you would have noticed I had already uploaded those pictures, it was in the context of past tense. I also said I couldn’t be sure I got them all. I have no idea what your family members look like other than you.
The reasoning for Neale’s request according to you was firstly, because I published pictures of car accidents on the D’Aguilar Highway. I have been advocating for an urgent upgrade to the D’Aguilar Highway for a number of years which will save lives. You know as well as I, that if the decision makers don’t feel any pressure, nothing will get done. When these pictures go up, I then ring or message a number of key people. This makes them intensely aware that the pressure to fix this highway is immense and consistent. If you have a better approach I would love to hear it. For now, I regularly have people getting in touch with me and saying I’m not doing enough.
Secondly, you referred to the recent Bellthorpe story published in the ‘News and Views’ (a story also published in the Sunshine Coast Daily with much more detail). If the alleged perpetrators in this story are found guilty, they deserve jail and no prospect of release in their natural life! If through publishing this story, one young person is spared such a horrific ordeal because the community is more vigilant, than that is a fantastic thing.
The ‘News and Views’ is not about being a warm and fuzzy publication. It is there to expose, keep accountability and deliver information to the community.
Looking at the rest of your email and taking into account your pattern of behaviour, the question must be asked. Do you create personal divergence to gain a professional advantage? In doing so at times this is insulting, threatening and defamatory. It also takes away from events like ANZAC day, which is a way of remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom including freedom of speech which you enjoy as a journalist. Instead the event has become all about you.
On Facebook I regularly use the auto suggestions tool to connect with people. This is a well known communication and connection method which is documented on countless online forums. I suspect you do the same thing as you are connected with people whom I know you have never met (people I know – I have also taken a screen dump of this just in case it disappears).
I sincerely hope this has cleared up and quashed this episode. I trust in the spirit of journalism you won’t attempt to censor this document.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Wood
Forwarded is correspondence in regards to Neale's (my ex-husband) request to ask Andrew Wood not to use images of myself or my kids on his facebook page and youtube etc. This request was due to Neale being absolutely livid at finding out that Andrew was the same person who plasters images of local car accidents all over his website and who had recently written the disturbing and explicit details on the assault of the little girl at Bellthorpe and also tried adding our little girl to his facebook page (persistently until I blocked him) Why would he be interested in a little girl’s page?
Whilst Andrew has informed Neale in the replied email that he will blur the images, this is not the case as he immediately uploaded the images onto his page - as I knew he would. Andrew is well aware of what I and my children look like but he still refused to follow Neale's request. Quite a few others are also annoyed with Andrew's ethics, but I cannot speak for them.
As a friend and out of respect, I am asking if you could possibly ask Andrew to remove the pictures of my children and myself from his internet sites and ask him not use our images in any media sources including youtube and his community news and views newsletters. I have not let the others know that their kids and pictures of themselves are still on the internet as I do not wish to upset anyone (you have to understand, a lot of people are very conservative and private when it comes to things like this, especially in the older generation) as they will find out soon enough, and believe me, there’s one guy in particular who will and can afford to go above and beyond to seek out his legal requirements – and win!
Kindest regards
I have blurred images that I know to be affected by your request. I can't be sure I got them all. We know our legal position is that the images where taken in a public place and public event with no court orders to restrain such images. Your request has been actioned as a favour only.
Kind Regards
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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify Aspark and delete immediately.
-----Original Message-----
From: Drapers [mailto:drapers123@bigpond.com]
Sent: Sunday, 25 April 2010 2:05 PM
To: andrew@aspark.com.au
Subject: ANZAC Service Woodford
Dear Andrew Wood (Aspark "media")
It is understood that you were at today's ANZAC service in Woodford and captured images of my children and wife (and countless other relatives and friends) on your camera and video for media purposes which will involve you uploading the said images onto youtube, facebook, newsletter/paper etc. Under no circumstances are you to use these images without required permission. I DO NOT give you permission to use the images of my children or my wife (Jackie Cochran) for any purpose at all. No request from you was received prior to you taking the photos etc and no permission was given by us at any time. I trust you will honour our request therefore no further correspondence etc will be needed.
Thank you
Neale Draper
What u have done is called slander? am i right? how did u get your hands on the emails sent to and from Jackie Cochran?
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