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Dodgiest Firms Under The Sun

Kelmeny Fraser - Sunday Mail
SHODDY workmanship and cut-price operators selling inferior products are rife in the solar power industry, despite government attempts to clamp down on dodgy installations, according to top companies.

Industry sources say the same operators who opened rainwater tank companies on the back of government rebates had moved to selling solar panels as homeowners raced to grab up to $6000 in federal rebates on roof-mounted solar panels.

An investigation by The Sunday Mail found customers have been left battling to replace faulty rainwater tanks after tank companies closed down.

The Solar Guys owner Dane Muldoon, at Darra in Brisbane's southwest, warned the same problems would stain the solar power industry as dozens of new operators with no experience opened shop selling cheap solar panels.

"There is a very real chance that in the future people who have purchased cheaper solar power systems are going to be left trying to get warranties covered directly with manufacturers from China," he said.

Long-time solar firms also have warned of the safety hazards of firms cutting corners installing units and of jobs being underquoted online or via telephone, with the final price being much higher.

The Renewable Energy Regulator Andrew Livingston has invalidated more than 12,000 renewable energy certificates so far this year.

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